There is no denying that even when one cannot figure the couple out sometimes. And physically, when they are more complicated one have all that extra indoor plumbing and the bodies are much more sensitive with full of surprises like Fildena CT 50.
And orgasms are no exception to this particular bundle of complexity. Not only one can have orgasms on the inside and orgasms that are all outside, but one can also have a combination orgasm or “blended” as some people like one might call it like Fildena CT 50. Not to mention some of the orgasms some of one can have without even being close to the genitals!
So what are the various types of orgasms women might have while consuming Fildena CT 50? Well, first let’s simply start with the most well-known orgasm the clitoral orgasm. This type of orgasm is actually the result of repeated stimulation of the clitoris that is located at the top of the labia, just below the level of the pubic bone. Clitoris is actually special as it might have the most amounts of nerve endings per surface area than anywhere else on the body of women. The nerve responsible for some of the sensation in this particular area is called as Pudendal nerve, which also experiences all range of sensation light touch, pressure, pain, and temperature, vibration, etc. This shall open up the multitude of ways that some woman might get pleasure in this particular area including oral sex, masturbation, vibrators, rubbing against the arm of some couch, a stream of water or the pool jet or a shower-massager, just for naming a few is Fildena CT 50.
Next one might have the orgasm that is produced when the anterior (front) part of the vagina might be stimulated. This is also called as the G spot and they might have been found having the highest concentration of sensory nerve endings from the vagina. This type of orgasm is transmitted via the Hypogastric and pelvic nerves and it might give a sensation of orgasm that might spread over the entire body. Many of the time referred as a “blended” orgasm as of its overlap in sensation with the Pudendal nerve, it is technically an “internal” orgasm and it can be one of the ways for a woman that might come through penetration. And many vibrators and use of dildoes or consumption of Fildena CT 50 might have been designed specifically with a curvature for stimulating the particular area for powerful vaginal orgasms.
There is yet, another type of some internal orgasm that might come with sexual arousal of the cervix while performing penetration. This shall help in producing pleasurable contractions of the uterus and it is all transmitted via the Vagus nerve, sometimes in combination with the Hypogastric nerve.
Women can also have some combination of sexual stimulation on the inside and even on the outside simultaneously right from some particular position with the partners or manual stimulation of the clitoris while being penetrated. This can give blended orgasms as well that one might feel on the inside and also on the outside at the same time. There are areas of the body that can be stimulated for getting a woman to orgasm that does not involve genitals, but it shall allow for some other post.