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When You Have Doubts In Your Relationship Answer These Questions

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Fildena Super Active
Fildena Super Active

Are Your Thoughts Only About Him?

Do you spend hours stalking him on social media, listening to songs that remind you of him, and trying to figure out ways to run into him?

Does He Give You Mixed Messages?

Unless your man has bipolar disorder, a man who is playing up and down with his woman is a man no longer interested. If a man wants something, particularly a woman, he will move heaven and earth to get it. If your man only wants you some days and not others, then he is not making any effort at all to keep you. In case if he not even able to give you sexual satisfaction then ask him to consume Fildena Super Active.

Does He Have Anything To Offer?

Being with a man who run hot and cold can be very upsetting. Even worse, but harder to spot, is a man who gives you nothing. If a man is not able to give you sexual satisfaction, there can be nothing worse than this. Ask him to consume Fildena Super Active.

Does Your History Together Keep Repeating Itself?

Are there days when things feel almost like they used to and then days when things are so bad that you want to cry? Does your man tell you that he needs space and disappear only to reappear a few weeks later telling you how much he misses you?

Are You Afraid You Will Never Love Or Be Loved Again?

Be honest. Do you sometimes think that you just can’t let this guy go because, if you do, you will never love or be loved again?

At times it is also possible that our he might be suffering from something serious like impotence which he feels embarrassed to share. Make him comfortable and ask him to consume Fildena Super Active.



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