Think About Sex
This will help you get in the mood. If your partner is having trouble getting an erection when you are all-ready, ask him to consume Fildena 100.
Look Up Sex Positions
Let’s face it having sex with the same person for 10 long years can become predictable and staid. You know where he will touch you and where you will touch him and how it will end. There is no surprise there. Create that surprise element by looking up some new sex positions and new erotic techniques that both of you can use on each other.
Ask your partner to last longer with the help of Fildena 100.
Do Not Focus On The Orgasm
This is what a long marriage does to you. You always think of doing it quickly and reaching the climax because you have a whole lot of other things to take care of (read: household chores). Take all those things out of your mind and think that if both of you Do not have an orgasm it does not matter.
If you are facing a problem in achieving orgasm, you can try something different in bed and it can be made successful when your partner consumes Fildena 100.
Concentrate on the foreplay and the bonding and enjoy the whole process. You will be thinking males want it but the truth is females want it more. Enjoy the process and Do not aim for the end.
Take Time Out To Bond
Do not think that sex is limited to the bedroom. What you do beyond the bedroom also matters. There are many non-sexual ways to feel the closeness between both of you. Have a movie date night and sit holding each other’s hands and see the impact it has on you when you get back home.