Speak To Your Partner Often
Communication is the key to success. The more you speak to each other the more you explore and understand each other. Here it does not mean to talk only about sex or sexual topic, there is a wide range of things you an speak or discuss. Talking about your disability will make you more comfortable with each other. Impotence is one such issue which men refrain from speaking. Although now it can be treated with Fildena 50. There is nothing which good and healthy communication cannot solve.
Do Not Skip Foreplay
Foreplay is a must. It also extends the whole time of being involved sexually. Foreplay can help your partner have ultimate pleasure. Foreplay is what gets you excited and anticipating the main event. Men in their 40s usually spend more time on foreplay, because of penile failure anxieties. Such issues can be put to the bay now with the help of Fildena 50.
Spice It Up
Roel-play, new positions, girl taking the led, blindfolded. There is number of varieties that can add spice to your sex life. One can also take the help of internet or erotic books to gain knowledge or just to update yourself.
When Nothing Works, Come Back From Where You Started
It might happen that you must have tried a lot of positions and creativity to add more pleasure to your sex life but nothing worked. So without feeling shy or embarrassed return to your basic position or to the one you get the maximum satisfaction. Ultimately it is all about the one in which you will enjoy and feel comfortable.
At Times Quickies Is Good
So what if you are married for ages now, at times having wild and quick sex the way you used to have in your younger days will cause no harm. It is just another creative way.