Not everything might suit your relationship. Therefore, take the ones that are relevant to you and work on them.

Reason Why You Love Your Partner
People often fall for their partners because of their intelligence or good looks. But when you start actually living with them you come to know what are they in reality and that might not go well with you. Many times men are not able to satisfy them sexually and this creates trouble in the marriage, so this condition can be solved with the help of Fildena CT 50.
Occasionally, it is ok to doubt if you did the right thing in choosing this person, but if your love is true this feeling is just short-lived.
Know Their Needs And Fulfill Them
Your partner may not express it but they may have some expectations from you. They might want you to take care of them when they are unwell, talk to them when they are feeling down, or help them out financially when the need arises. If you are not able to fulfill your partner's sexual desires then consume Fildena CT 50. Part of being in a relationship is trying to understand your partner’s needs, this is a two-way thing and it is the responsibility of both to consider it.
Have Realistic Expectations
You may be dreaming of a knight in shining armor or a Disney princess but it is unreasonable to expect your partner to meet such high expectations. Due to the porn industry people have set unrealistic sexual expectation but still, ED remains one of the issues in a happy married life. take advantage of Fildena CT 50.
This is when the relationship becomes real, and this is when you know if your expectations are realistic or not. If your expectations are realistic, the chances of having them fulfilled are high.