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Side Effects Of Fildena Professional

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

The medicine should always be taken after the prescription of the doctor. You might never know what effect a particular medicine or its vital ingredient has on you. Seeking the help of the doctor will do no harm to anybody. Giving complete detail about your medical condition to the doctor is a must. Every medicine has its own side effects.

Sildenafil Citrate is the main active ingredient used in the manufacturing of Fildena Professional. It helps the muscles to relax and improves the blood flow in the penile region. Sildenafil Citrate does not go well with nitrates, so in case if you are already consuming nitrates then do not consume this medicine. You may face adverse side effects. The same goes for overconsumption. More than one dose of Sildenafil Citrate composed Fildena Professional should be strictly prohibited.

Common side effects while consuming Fildena Professional:

Bladder pain, burning feeling in chest or stomach, burning, itching, crawling, numbness, prickling or tingling feeling, cloudy or bloody urine, dizziness, increased frequency of urination, indigestion, pain on urination, stomach upset, tenderness in the stomach area and headaches.

Rare side effects of Sildenafil Citrate composed Fildena Professional:

Abnormal vision, anxiety, behavior change similar to drunkenness, bleeding of the eye, blurred, bone pain, breast enlargement, chest pain, chills, cold sweats, confusion, convulsion, cool and pale skin, deafness or hearing loss, decrease in the amount of urine or frequent urination, dizziness or lightheadedness (especially when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position), double vision, drowsiness, dry eyes, dry mouth, dryness, redness, excessive hunger, eyes pain, fainting, increase in the size of the pupil, increased sweating.

Increased thirst, lower back or side pain, prolonged painful erection of penile, restless sleep, nightmares, nausea, sensitivity to eyes, shakiness, skin paleness, trouble breathing, twitching of the muscle, unusual tiredness or weakness, vision loss (temporary or permanent).

A side effect varies from men to men.



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