Picture this, as you have the girl of your dreams laid out before you. Starting with the act of kissing and things are getting hot and heavier. There is just a problem that one cannot get a stiffer penile erection. The thoughts are quite quickly turned from “this is amazing” to “this is a disaster,” and before one might know about it, the story of having a floppy dick is making its way down your lover’s social circle where one might need Fildena 50 medicine. That is if she is an insensitive gossip. Either way, not being able to get a boner time is alright being beyond embarrassment.
The Cleveland Clinic had reported that 52% of men might experience the condition like impotence or erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. Now before one might wave it off and exclaim as to how one will not have to worry about this until they are in the 70s. It might also be horrifying for one to know the Journal of Sexual Medicine that is reported in four erectile dysfunction patients less than 40 years.
Rest might assure that when it comes to issues in the bedroom and a disobedient penile, you are definitely not alone having issues with it or might need Fildena 50 for penile working.
Why You Fail To Get Hard
Whether it is about being in a hook-up or a long-time partner, penile issues can simply crop up for ruining the night at any time for any number of reasons. That is why looking out for penile issues 101 and the top reasons why the penile is being a complete dick. Here are the reasons you cannot get a stiffer penile.
#1 Stress and troublesome thoughts
In such case, wondering as to how you are going to pay the bills, what is wrong with the relationship, and what might stick the boss that might have his rear are not exactly a turn on for getting a stiffer penile erection for lovemaking session. It is certainly easier said than done, but the best solution for such stiffy issue is for relaxing and removing some of the unneeded stress from your life through vacation or Fildena 50.
#2 Physical Exhaustion
If you have been cranking it at the gym, have not been sleeping well, or you have been working ass off at the job, getting tangled up with a lover for even more physically demanding activities might not sound an ideal choice.