Orgasm also called a sexual climax, it is the sudden ejection of stored of some sexual excitement while the process of making love. It all involves the rhythmic flexing of the muscles that is seen near the pelvic area, which shall eventually result in an immensely pleasurable experience. It is always a good time for having some sort of new beginnings. At times lovemaking session might need to be revived too. After some years together, a sex life might all begin to stagnate. A boring love life can negatively impact the relationship as well. But by employing some with simply easy tricks in the bedroom including consumption of Fildena Extra Power, you can get back the passion and some amazing spark to life.
Considered an involuntary action, it shall help in experiencing both men and women through as they might occur due to some various circumstances. While the sexual stimulation of the penile region is highly responsible for having an orgasm in males, it is the stimulation of the clitoris that might all leas to the same in women. In both the sexes, the body might undergo certain changes while attaining orgasm. Few of them are mentioned below:
Effect on genitals
Though orgasm might result in some sort of pleasurable experience in both men and women the genitals do not react in any similar way. Women might eventually experience condition like heady rush as the blood flow to the clitoris and vagina. Subsequently, the vagina might lead to secrete lubricants and enhance its size. On the other hand, men might also experience a feeling of contraction and throbbing in the penile and also the prostate region.
Increase in the blood rate and rapid breathing
This condition is common to both men and women. Due to the dilation of the blood vessels, both the sexes might have experienced an enhancement in the heart rate, contraction of muscles and rapid breathing while performing orgasm and being high on Fildena Extra Power.
Release of hormones
While having an orgasm, there is an excessive discharge of oxytocin that occurs in both men and women. When this hormone floods the brain, it helps in creating a feeling of intimacy and a sense of warm bond with the partner. However, in men, another hormone known as the testosterone is released that shall operate as a counter to the effects of oxytocin.
Effects on brain
While having an orgasm, the brains of impotent men and women might operate quite differently. The periaqueductal gray also called as PAG, an area that is responsible for controlling fights is activated in women. At the same time, women might also experience a sudden decrease in the apprehension and also the fear. However, the same does not occur in the case of men.
Stimulation of nerve endings
While orgasm millions of nerve might be endings on the penile, vaginal opening, testes and clitoris are all triggered and further stimulated. This consequently produces the feeling of arousal while consuming Fildena Extra Power.