ED (Erectile Dysfunction) also popularly known as impotence is a serious sexual dysfunction condition in men. This condition makes the life of the men very difficult and they experience a lot of shame and guilt. Older men are at a greater risk of contributing to ED since it a condition related to age. When by the time they reach the age of 40, they turn 40 percent impotent, and by the time they reach 70, they turn completely impotent. To treat this condition, Fildena 100 has known to be the best remedy.

Start Regular Walking
According to studies just walking for 30 minutes a day and reduces the risk of ED by 40%. Some experts advise that exercise and walking will restore your sexual performance and also boost your energy and confidence.
Eating Right Food
It is always said that eating that having a balanced diet and keeping a check on your weight will reduce almost all the health issues from your body. even when it is just about losing weight, it is said it is 70 percent diet and 30 percent exercises. Having a balanced lifestyle will reduce the risk of ED. In case if you have tried all the possible things and with no gain then take the help of Fildena 100.
Pay Attention To Your Heart Health
The condition of your heart has a major effect on your sexual health. Be it high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high diabetes all can damage the health of the heart and thus causing damage to the penile. When there is no proper flow of blood in the penile, it lacks a hard and long-lasting erection. This condition can be controlled and even treated with the help of Fildena 100.
Size Matter
Here we are not talking about the size of the penile but of your body. Get healthy, reduce weight.