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Man And His Good Qualities

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Fildena Strong
Fildena Strong

Owns His Mistakes

A good man owns up to his mistakes. He listens to criticism without getting angry or blame-shifting. He admits he was wrong without drama or playing the victim. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who wallows in self-pity. It is selfish and proves they cannot handle criticism. A humble man that owns his mistakes is good. He is humble enough to admit his weaknesses and desirous of change. Impotence is not anybody’s mistake but if he ready to treat it with Fildena Strong then he is the one.

He Communicates

Studies show that couples who have effective communication have a more satisfying relationship. A good man not only communicates well, but he initiates contact with you. He does not see it as your job to start a conversation. Also, he values your input. He is not embarrassed to share his sexual dysfunction issues. In such cases help him with Fildena Strong.

He Takes The Initiative In The Relationship

A good man is an initiator. He initiates in

  • Home projects-he does not wait for things in the house to fall apart before he gets them fixed

  • Finances-he saves and spends in budgets

  • Communicating with you.

  • With the kids, he is attentive to what they are doing and how they are doing

  • Gives you pleasurable sex with the help of Fildena Strong.


A faithful man is a good man. He is faithful by not gossiping about you behind your back or flirting with other women. He is loyal enough to protect your reputation, your confidence, and your sexual relationship.

Finally, he is balanced when it comes to money, seeing it as a means, not an end in itself. Lastly, a good man is willing to learn from you if you have more financial knowledge and experience than he does. This is a sign that he is humble, and that is good.


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