First Things Comes First, Do Not Forget The Condoms
Whether you are a guy or a girl, never assume that your partner will take care of the contraception - particularly if it is someone you do not know very well. In this world, sometimes you got to have your own back and if that means going out and buying condoms before the shops shut on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve then so be it. Also in keeping Fildena medicines for an emergency.
Make Sure You Refill Your Stock Before The Holidays.
Ladies, pharmacies and doctor’s surgeries are likely to have very limited opening times over the festive season so be aware of your contraceptive pill prescription is due to run out.
Ladies, Contraceptive Pills Please!
If you do end up having unprotected sex, then you will need to get your hands on emergency contraception to avoid uninvited pregnancy. The sooner you take the morning-after pill after unprotected sex, the more effective the treatment is but remember, stores close early on certain days over the festive period so it might be useful to buy it well in advance in case you need it.
Sex Burns Calories
You can eat as many rounds of cakes, plum cakes, and brownies this Christmas and do not worry about the weight have sex and get in shape again. Sex burns 69 calories for women and 100 for men on average so it is a good enough excuse for you and your partner to put the gym on hold for another week also to make this festive season sex the best sex ever had consumed Fildena medicines.
Treat Your Body To A Christmas Glow-Up
Do whatever that makes you feel happy. Go to the spa and give be your own Santa.