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How To Prep Yourself Against Hiv

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Fildena Strong
Fildena Strong

Though there are various activities that are decreasing, HIV is still something to be informed and aware of. As per, “more than 1.1 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV. One in seven of them does not know it.” Once known this condition as a death sentence, it is now possible for living up a fully sexual life without any sort of fear of passing HIV to the partner. Previously, abstinence and condoms were the only modes of protection. However, as it is also known that condoms can break and there are a lot of other perceived drawbacks in intimacy for long-term partners that might like the option of not using them while taking Fildena Strong for relieving impotence issue in men.

What Is It?

Yes, just like some sort of Matrix, this little blue pill can help you to protect from what it can prove for being a rather harsh reality. No, not from consumerism and the inevitable takeover of our conscious minds, but of the immune system functionality do the job well! Fildena Strong is the best ED medicine in the market.

How does it all work? By preventing the condition of HIV from making more copies of itself in the bodies of people that are not already living with such condition. You must have normal kidney function and should be all open to see a doctor for checkups every three months.


CD4T cells are known to be the cells that protect you from infections or illness. They might all live in the immune system and fight for keeping you healthy when under attack of germs or contagion.

HIV condition hijacks Viking cells and it further uses them for multiple and spread through your immune system including a high school bully on Instagram. OR like that particular time that saucy pic of Jennifer Lawrence was on the internet for some second. Fildena Strong helps man to attain and sustain a stiffer penile erection for a longer time.

HIV With Prep

So one cannot eloquently fit Vikings and the Matrix into how PrEP shall works here (feel free for doing so for yourself), but it can also make use of Harry Potter. Remember that invisibility cloak? PrEP is not like that at all, but it might not completely cloak each of Viking cells that might HIV is unable for being inside it and multiply in the immune system. In case, you take the pill every day, it can help you to lower your chances of getting HIV by 92%.

What It’s Not

PrEP is not a cure for HIV, and it is not a vaccine against HIV condition. It is not an excuse for not use condoms (plenty of other infections in the sea wreak havoc on the immune system). It is not some weird reason for assuming that it is just as someone might have chosen for being EXTRA safe, they are more promiscuous. Also, it is not a cure for HIV in case you are already infected.

PEP Vs. Prep

PrEP is not the same thing as it is called PEP. PrEP is PRE, so it is a pill for taking it BEFORE you that is all exposed, while PEP is POST– what one shall take it within 72 hours of direct exposure to a condition like HIV in order contain the spread in immune system while taking Fildena Strong.



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