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How To Ask Your Partner For Sex

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Start The Conversation

Talk about intimacy even outside the bedroom. Talking about sex and bringing it ahead of time can help you both be comfortable when the actual situation arises. Ask them, when they would like to take the things to the next level. Do they feel completely comfortable with you? What are their views on sex? What are their likes and dislikes about sex? Before actually performing it, have a clear picture of what are the possible outcomes. Generally, men avoid asking for sexual intercourse due to the fear of penile failure. Consumption of Fildena CT 100 will keep penile failure at bay.

Environment Matters

Whenever you pop up this question, make sure you both are alone and the environment is pleasant and safe. Your partner’s mood depends a lot upon the environment. You can also try to read their body language which will say a lot after you have popped up the question. A calm and comfortable environment will help you both, to speak your hearts out.

Be Courteous And Respectful

Be straight-forward, warm, and polite, and don’t try to put on an act or drop cheesy pickup lines. Just be yourself and tell the person you’re into, how you feel. Let them know you find them attractive, but make sure any compliments you offer are sincere and not just for the sake of pleasing them.

Keep The Atmosphere Light

You both are not sitting in a board meeting and discussing how to achieve those sales targets rather something beautiful. Keep the atmosphere light, make your partner comfortable. This might even help them to speak about any sexual performance anxiety they are suffering through. Especially for men, they might be suffering from impotence due to which they do not want to have sex. Impotence can now be treated with the help of Fortune Healthcare product called Fildena CT 100.



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