Women Want To Have It As Much As Men
Women want to have sex. Yes, there is no awkwardness or weirdness in admitting it. Science has finally revealed it, women want to have it as much as men want to and some times and in some cases even more than men. The assumption that women are going to be the lower-desire partner needs to be thrown out now.
Referring Magazines Is A Big No
Who needs theoretical knowledge when you can have practical? No one other than your partner can tell you, what exactly you need to do to give a better performance in bed next time. The only way you're going to find out what he or she really desires is by asking. It might be that your female partner is urging for more sex but due to sexual disorder like impotence your sexual drive is reducing, in such a case man can consume Fildena Super Active.
The Older You Get, The Better You Get
Just like wine, your sexual performance also gets better. One of the reasons is, its been ages since you are having it and as we know practice makes a man perfect. It is also reported that having sex when you are older improves your health too. As you age, impotence is a major concern, consume Fildena Super Active to treat it.
The Best Time Is Not Always The Night
This is a misconception that sex should be had only during night. Instead, morning sex is said to be more pleasures. According to a report the best time to have sex is at 3 in the afternoon. As per experts during this time not only men are more interested in initiating it but also give women emotional support.
There Are Only Limited Positions To Do It
Did you ever tried all the possible position but ended up doing the same? Scientifically there are only a few positions but that does not mean you can't make your sex life interesting and add some spice to it.