Be it sex or anything less, good vibes will makes things happen the way you want them too. It is very important to focus on what you are doing rather than thinking, am I doing it the right way? Thinking about what is right and wrong will eventually make you end up somewhere in the middle and all unsatisfied.
Just enjoy the process, do not think about it much. Keep flowing. Measuring the time and the amount of pleasure one is getting will make it look very technical. It should depict love rather than making it look like a forced duty to be fulfilled. When you are already thinking about the consequences you fail to enjoy it completely.
Condition like impotence turns all the good vibe into a bad one. Such conditions do not let you enjoy the sexual intercourse to the core. Fildena 50, a Fortune Healthcare product will help you treat this condition and also keep it at bay.

Sex needs to be felt and not just done. The intention behind it should be pure love.
Once done it should feel like doing it again soon. Keep yourself calm and happy before the sexual activity starts, this will help you to carry out the whole process smoothly. Do not worry about the after effects. Do not worry about penile failure. Let Fildena 50 handle that situation. Focus on your partner. Constantly fearing about things will even make your partner irritated.
In case you have serious sexual anxiety issues then you can play safe by pre planning the whole process. This will reduce the chances of any failure. If you fear that you will make it too boring than take the help of Google or YouTube. There is a lot still to learn and experiment. A happy sex is done in a happy mood. Free yourself from all your worries and enjoy the lovemaking session to the core.