Many studies have proven this thing true that women od fake orgasm. It is observed that at least 25% of women fake orgasm. There are many reasons behind it but the two most important are: Firstly, they do not want to hurt their partner’s feeling and secondly, they are exhausted tiring. Men who suffer from impotence are mostly not able to satisfy their partner. To change this thing, men can take help of Fildena CT 100.
What Proportion Of Women Fake Orgasm?
Depending on the study, one-third to two-thirds of women say they have faked an orgasm at least once in their lifetime. According to a survey conducted in a university, 50% of women admitted they have faked an orgasm in their lifetime.
Important Reasons Why Women Fake Orgasm
To avoid hurting partners feeling and boost their ability to last long
To avoid shaming and accusations of insufficiency
To end the sexual activity
Age Plays An Major Role
Faking is age-related. As age increases, women are more comfortable with their sex life and can openly discuss their issues as their partner. After having a long and healthy relationship, women directly ask their partner to give them a clitoris stimulation which will make attaining orgasm easier. But with age men develop the issue of impotence and they are able to sustain in the bed for longer to satisfy their partner. This condition can be treated with the help of Fildena CT 100.
How Men Can Tell
Gentlemen, given the frequency of faking, if you feel the need to ask, chances are she did not come. Especially if you make love drunk, rush into intercourse, or do not provide gentle, extended hand massage of her clitoris and cunnilingus every time.
If you want to see women have orgasms, ignore the excess viewing of porn. The women moan, groan, and thrash, seeming to climax, but they do not. But to achieve all this in real life men can consume Fildena CT 100.