Watching blue films or porn is all good, fun and exciting to watch. It surely does excite you but what we see is not the reality is always. There is a lot of changes and editing happening, make-up and retakes behind it. Real-life means no retakes. It is completely different than what we see or what we want in our lives.

There Are Few Things You Need To Unlearn From Porn –
Arousing Women
When we talk about porn, the female character in it, is always ready to indulge in some sexual activity but the reality is not the same. Women need much more time to get aroused than men. a few things that men need to consider are their desires and also their safety. Fulfill all her desire without any penile failure taking place, consume Fildena 50 in case suffering from any sexual disorder. Always use a condom.
Choose What Suits You Best
Porn stars gift us several positions, half of them even being unknown to us. But not all the position brings satisfaction and pleasure. some of the positions needs perfect erection and men need to last longer to climax. This is possible only with the help of Fildena 50. Every woman is different, make sure to consider her satisfaction, safety, and pleasure.
No Health Issues
In porn, be it men or women both are portrayed as sexually healthy and active every time. This is not the case in real life, couples do suffer from sexual health issues especially men. More than 30 million men suffer from impotence or penile failure in bed. Treating impotence is now possible with the consumption of Fildena 50.
Porn is majorly been shot from a man’s point of view where girls are portrayed as sex symbols. Whereas when we peak about reality, women love it too as much as men or times even more than them.