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Fildena Super Active Protects The Heart, HOW?

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Everybody’s heard that Fildena Super Active composed of Sildenafil Citrate for treating impotence issue. It was the first phosphodiesterase type5 inhibitor (PDE5) marketed for relieving impotence or erectile dysfunction condition in men. But only a few people are aware of some other beneficial effects and other potential new uses for such medicine.

The impotence treating medicine was originally tested for relieving heart issues including angina pectoris, which is a chest pain like an issue that is associated with coronary heart disease on the basis of vasodilatory effects. The outcome as an anti-angina drug that was modest, but the impotent men reported the unexpected “side effect” of improved penile erection in men. The focus of interest in this impotence medicine has shifted rapidly from heart to the bedroom.

In the first decade after the medicine was approved, Fildena Super Active revolutionized the sex lives of millions and became one of the most commercially successful medicines in the world, with over 1.8 billion medicine used by about 35 million people. The number is still growing of men consuming impotence medicine.

However, the success of the blue pill that was accompanied by isolated early reports of some of the cardiovascular events and at the cost of sudden death. Nonetheless, subsequent large surveillance studies merging data from placebo-controlled clinical trials, as the prospective observational cohort study and International Men’s Health Study (IMHS) that is all demonstrated that myocardial infarction and all might have led to mortality rates for Fildena Super Active were similar to placebo, is suggesting that its use was not well associated with any of the greater risk.

What about some cardiology facts?

Several studies have shown that Fildena Super Active attenuates cardiac remodeling, with an anti-hypertrophic and also anti-fibrotic effect, and it helps in protecting the heart against some of the injuries.

Some small clinical trials have also demonstrated that chronic PDE5 inhibition helps in improving cardiac performance and geometry in clinical conditions, which also includes heart failure, myocardial infarction, and some diabetic cardiomyopathy.

In the past sixteen years pre-clinical and clinical research that held into the extra-urological effects of PDE5i has expanded dramatically, revealing some of the previously unsuspected indications for such medicines. Once more, the blue pill could almost change the quality of life of millions of people.

But how it takes place?

The meta-analytic research has just published in BMC Medicine originated so as to clarify some controversies emerging from the available human studies. All one might need to analyze is if the chronic PDE5 administration was cardio-protective and safe, and, if so, where the benefits were mainly seen: might include cardiac muscle, peripheral vessels, or both.

It is showed that continuous administration of Fildena Super Active can also cardiac performance and it has an anti-remodeling effect without having any major impact on vascular parameters, which were suggesting as it does indeed have a direct effect on the heart.

The novelty of such meta-analysis is the identification of some of the subgroups of men that might further benefit more from PDE5: men with cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure, developing a maladaptive remodeling to some various injuries, in which the cardiac pump no longer it shall work well.



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