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Embarrassing Body Problem Men Faces

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100


Hair, Hair Everywhere

Compared to women, men have more hairs including their back hair. Yes, you heard it right; by the mid-20s a man will know his back hair destiny. This is a natural condition and the growth depends from person to person. Some might not have it all and it would be bushy for someone else. You can remove it through laser and the effects are quite permanent or for a temporary solution you can go with razors and shaving.

The Big Belly

Men usually gain weight around the waist. Unfortunately belly fat makes way for a number of health issues with blockages in the heart being in the top. Follow good exercise and watch what you eat. Soon you will be in the size you want to be.

Too Much Sweating

Men have higher sweat out than women. Especially underarms sweat is the most embarrassing to deal with. Too much sweating can also be a medical condition, in case the condition gets worse, call for medical help.

Sexual Disorder

Disorders like ED and PE are natural in men. Products from Fildena will help you treat this condition. Sexual disorder makes life difficult for men. This affects their mental health too. They start avoiding sexual activities. There was a time when such condition and medicine to treat such conditions were unknown. But Fildena has helped men their way out with its medicine.


This is something women or bed partners are frustrated with. You might not even have an idea; your sleep might be disturbing the other person so much. It can also be a serious problem called sleep apnea. If this condition keeps on increasing, then you need to consult your doctor immediately.


Are you already giggling? Yes, gas is one such thing which can make you embarrassed in front of anybody, even your partner might curve her lips. Actually gas is nothing but the air moving through the digestive tract. According to a survey done, a man farts at least 6 times a day.



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Oct 01, 2019

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