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Cardiac Disease, Constant Illness, And Sex

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Sex and Heart Disease

It is said that heart disease affects your sexual activity, especially when there is a heart surgery being done. It is true to some extent because once the person is in the recovery mode they will be able to enjoy their sex life like a normal person. Heart diseases do make the effect of certain sexual disorder treating medicine like Fildena a little less.

Your sex life can be affected when damage to the heart is caused. Poor heart health is being directly linked to the unsatisfactory sex life. Depression is also common in the early phase of heart disease and can affect your desire to have sex, but this is usually a temporary problem. In 85 % of people, the psychological factor of depression associated with heart disease clears up within three months.

Sex And Diabetes

When people are suffering from diabetes they face common problems like exhaustion, stress, and depression that affects their sexual drive. Diabetes mostly does not have a positive effect on your sexual ability because of the damage that diabetes can do to nerves and blood vessels. In women, these changes can result in vaginal dryness and decreased sensation. In men, insufficient blood flow to the penile can cause Erectile Dysfunction. To treat this impotence condition, men need to consume Fildena.

Sex And Cancer

Cancer is a lethal disease, people suffering from this disease already have a hard time to deal with the situation. A person who is recovering from cancer is frequently affected by stress, fatigue, and loss of interest in sex.

Sex And Arthritis

Common problems people face when they have arthritis are as follow:

  • Pain

  • Stiffness

  • Fatigue

  • Limited movement

  • Decreased strength and endurance

Any of these problems could hinder having sex. arthritis studies confirm that both the gender with high levels of pain, depression, and disability report more problems with their sex lives.



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