When He Isn’t Prepared
Sex is always said to be a man’s initiation. Although at times it happens when he is not ready to do whereas his partner is all set to go. Such situations become very embarrassing for both of them. This even frustrates their partner. This also has relation with the mental state of mind of the man. He might be fearing penile failure issues. Try Fildena Professional, it might help him.

When He Suddenly Stops In The Middle
This happens, when his focus is not in there completely. He might be thinking about a lot of other things which resulted in, him to stop in the middle of the act. Major reasons reported are financial issues, work pressure, difficulty in maintaining work-life balance, impotence. Impotence can be treated with the help of Fortune Healthcare product called Fildena Professional.
When Your Partner Is Not Able To Have An Orgasm
You are trying your best, but at times your partner is not able to get it no matter even after multiple attempts. Females anyway face difficulty in achieving orgasm and at time they don’t even get it. Men should not take such things to their heads. It happens and there is always a tomorrow.
The Condom Falls Off
Tragedies do happen. Sometimes such an incident happens, which spoils your mood. And there is an unnecessary interference and disturbance. Just forget such moments, by thinking it was something very unfortunate.
When The New Position Fails
Sex is full of trial and error methods. Just because it looked good on the screen doesn’t mean it will give you the same pleasure. Some things don’t happen the way we plan it. This means nothing but to keep trying harder for the next time. Trying new position in itself means you are on your way to better sex life. Keep trying and do not give up.