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Are You In A Sex-Less Marriage?

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

A sexless marriage is defined as a marriage with little or no sex. According to a survey, about 2 percent of marriages fall into this category.

Without physical intimacy or sexual activity, a relationship is a mere friendship. While there is a normal drop off within the first few years of marriage, particularly if kids come into the picture, complete loss of this physical aspect of marriage often signals a marital problem that needs to be addressed.

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Common Reasons For A Sexless Marriage

Health And Physical Factors

A person’s health affects a lot in their sexual behavior. It is one of the important reasons for their low libido. It also affects their psychological factors.

Uneven Sexual Drive

Every single person on this planet is different. The amount of sex one needs may vary from that of the other. Men are more sex oriented but women take longer to satisfy. Men can improve their sexual drive with the help of Fildena XXX.

Erectile Dysfunction’

Difficulty in maintaining and achieving an erection during sexual activity is called ED. While ED is a common problem it also affects men’s stress levels, confidence, and self-esteem. Men can keep all their ED issues at the bay with the help of Fildena XXX.

History Of Sexual Abuse

Past sexual abuse can have long-lasting effects that can influence current and future relationships. Such life events can make you avoid sex or make you feel disinterested even in the future.

How To Help In Sexless Marriage

First, determine the problem. Do not weigh more on the amount of sex. Don't try to compare your marriage to others because every relationship is unique. Till the time you are happy and satisfied in your marriage, you are perfectly okay.

Consult An Expert

If nothing works this also can work as the best solution. Explain to them in detail about your problem and work towards its solution together.



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