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A-Z Female Orgasm

Writer: Fildena 100Fildena 100

Orgasms are weirdly somewhat of a mystery - and they really should not be. While most of us are aware of the classic clitoral and G spot orgasms, there are other, lesser-known types of orgasm. More than an orgasm, satisfaction is more important, which can be gained only if the man is not suffering from impotence. Treat impotence with a medicine called Fildena.

Clitoral Orgasm

The clitoris is the standard location to zone in on if you want to tease a Big O from your lady. Research suggests that a massive 94% of female requires clitoral stimulation in order to reach climax. This magic button is exclusively built for pleasure and contains thousands of nerve endings.

G-Spot Orgasms

The G-spot is supposedly located 1-2 inches inside the vagina, on the front wall. Some people report they have a patch of tissue there about the size of a milk bottle lid that feels rougher or puffier than the surrounding flesh, especially when they are turned on.

U-Spot Orgasms

U means urethral opening. Some people report that if the area around their pee hole is very gently caressed, it can make them feel more than a wee bit wonderful. The opening is surrounded by soft erectile tissue that can become plumped up or stiffer when someone is aroused, and very sensitive to touch.

Unlike the G-spot, the U-spot tends to feel better when treated to feather-light, soft touches and strokes, rather than pressure or pushing,

A-Spot Orgasms

A-spot is also one of the types of an erogenous zone, a region deep inside the vaginal canal, about 2-3 inches higher than the G-spot, behind the cervix.


Many people find it both relaxing and exciting, describing it as feeling like an orgasm of the skin. And it can be induced by listening to certain whispery, tapping or soft sounds through headphones.

Sex should be enjoyed and less concentration should be given to orgasm. Satisfaction can be gained through Fildena medicines.



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