Improves Your Heart Health
Yes, you heard it right. Sex is good exercise for your heart. It improves the blood flow in the heart. It reduces the risk and chances of heart strokes. A study shows that found that men who had sex twice weekly or more had less risk of cardiovascular diseases than those who had sex once a month or less.
Reduces Stress And Lowers Blood Pressure
Sex raises love or intimacy hormone called oxytocin and endorphins. This helps to change your mood instantly. It helps in lowering blood pressure too.
Pain But Sweet
Sex causes pain at times, especially during the initial stages. Not necessarily everybody goes through pain, it depends from person to person. Using lubrication will help you here. You can also take the help of Fildena Products to enjoy your sexual intercourse to the core. Though it is painful till there is satisfaction in it which makes us have it more and more each time.
Might Reduce The Risk Of Prostate Cancer
The men who ejaculate often say 21 times a month are less prone to prostate cancer as compared to those who just have it 4 to 7 times a month.
Deep Sleep
After a satisfying and full of pleasure intercourse, you will be able to sleep better, this is because of the hormone called prolactin which releases during orgasm. It also makes you relaxed. Don’t worry if you and your partner doze off after a short lovemaking session. It also increases your sexual desires and performance in bed. Fildena Products are also your one-stop solution if you want sex to be without any penile failure.
Stronger Relationship
Good sex life will ultimately make the couple’s relationship strong. Even if they are going through a rough patch in their relationship, one good and satisfying sexual intercourse is what all it needs to get everything back on the track.